Tuesday, 9 February 2016

EXAMINATION Is examination good or is it a necessary evil?

            For me examination is not a goal nor is the most important part of study. It is just an evaluation of ones memory. Study must be for life and not for the sake of examination. By an exam the teacher may come to know how much the child has grasped and will also get the feedback of the success of their teaching.
Examinations are held in two ways:
            Oral – This kind of examination is like an extended dialogue, where the professor can ask for more explanation and also help the student to be on the right track rather than beating around the bush. A child can express better for a reflective question in an oral examination.
            Written exam – here exam can be objective, in brief, elaborated answer, reasoned out, etc. it has possibility of a calm and prolonged reflection or thinking even when the person is writing another answer.


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