Friday, 9 February 2018

Preventive System: Spirituality – Pedagogy – Evangelization #Don Bosco#

Today it is so easy to be swayed by mass media presentations of happiness. Wealth, influence, fame, appearances – these are popular criteria for success. Many of us are influenced by these superficial interpretations of life and they often induce this on our younger onces to join the frantic chase for the pot of gold and glamour.

Don Bosco, instead, points to the root cause of genuine happiness: an ardent following of the will of God as we daily live our lives in faith and according to a moral plan. Love of God and love of neighbour which begins in the home continues in the school. One of the peak moments of family togetherness is the time each family sets aside to worship, praise, thank and petition God.

Don Bosco’s educative system is deeply centred on Reason, Religion and Loving kindness. Don Bosco introduced reason as its potential as the factor that balances love on the one hand and faith on the other.  True religion, is one that brings out the best in our human nature in order to direct it to a more perfect loving, and a more generous way of living. In Loving kindness, we learn to establish a relationship that is a loving relation. We learn faster from people we love. We learn faster because we are loved. And the key to a healthy growth in this system is that of trust and acceptance.

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