Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Welcome song

Welcome to our family
Welcome to our family
We want to say ‘Hello’
With joyful hearts and happy smiles
We welcome you today
And all we have to say is that…
You have a great stay….

                                                               You have a great stay…..

Thank you Weslee......

Jesus my Hero

Jesus my Hero

Would you pray if I asked you to pray………
Would you love how much you can you?
Would you cry if you saw me crying…….
Will you save a soul tonight?

I know you can be my hero Jesus
You can take away my pain
You will stand by me forever
Till the end of time to come.

Would you help, if I asked you for help…..
Would you laugh oh please tell me this ….
Now would you die for the one you love?

Hold me in your arms tight……….

Death a truth in everyone's life

Life and death is in the hands of our Almighty Abba Father. It is not in our hands. When God calls us into His heavenly abode we all have to go without any delay. Death is the beginning of new life. A life which is already prepared while the person lives here on earth. All of us are pilgrims journeying in our own little way to God, the Giver of Life.

Lord Jesus, our master, just as you calmed the storm, the way you rebuked the wind and the raging waves, with faith, we ask you to also calm our hearts and minds. Merciful saviour, we ask you to comfort us with your tender love and care. Lord Jesus, help us not to loose heart. Help us to surrender to your will. Help us to understand that your ways are different from the ways of men.

Our mind has all the knowledge innate

Our mind has all the knowledge innate

There are two ways in which animals can gain knowledge. The first is learning. This is when an animal gathers information, proceeds to use this information. For example, if an animal eats something that hurts its stomach, it has learned not to eat this again. The second way that an animal acquires knowledge is through innate knowledge. This knowledge is genetically inherited. The animal automatically knows it without any prior experience. An example of this is when a horse is born and can immediately walk. The horse has not learned this behaviour, it simply knows how to do it. In a changing scenario or environment, an animal must constantly be gaining new information in order to survive. However, in a stable environment this same animal needs only to gather the information it needs once and rely on it for the duration of its life.
Our mind has all the knowledge innate that means our mind is born with ideas and knowledge. This belief put forth most notably by Plato, as his theory of Forms and later by Descartes in his meditations, is currently gaining neuro-scientific evidence that could validate the belief that we are born with innate knowledge of our world. Plato and Descartes used general theory to explain human reasoning. Plato believed that the human soul exists eternally, and exists in a “world of forms or ideas” before life; all learning is the process of remembering. Descartes proposed that the inborn ideas that we possess are those of geometric truths and we come to know them by the power of our own native intelligence, without any sensory experience.
The predominant belief and assumption about human learning and memory is that we are born as a “blank slate”, and we gain our knowledge and ideas through new experiences and our memory of them. This belief is known as Empiricism. Empiricists, such as John Locke, George Berkeley and David Hume, argued that human knowledge originates in our sensations. They were like representative realists about the external world and placed great confidence in the ability of the senses to inform us of the properties that empirical objects really have in themselves.

According to our discussions or ideas we would be more supportive towards empiricism because we think that we learn most of the things by experience. Our life experiences teach us a lot and through it we come to know anything from the beginning we need to perceive things by our experience. Therefore we conclude saying that “our mind can not have all knowledge innate”.

A Critical Evaluation of Social Media

A Critical Evaluation of Social Media

What is social media? Social media are means which help people socialize, make friends, borrow ideas from other people etc. In this 21st century, the social media is unstoppable because a small kid from class 4 to a well aged person can utilize it.

The social media in today’s world is very important. As usual, things have their pros and cons. In the same way, social media too has its share of pros and cons. The pros are: It helps in making friends with people from distant places; it helps in conversing with others and building relationships with others; it keeps a person connected to his/her loved ones; one can see creative things done by others, which can be imitated or put up for a programme; it also allow us to keep in touch with what is happening in the world. The cons are: it can be used to spoil ones dignity; a person can get addicted to it; morality can be adversely affected through viewing porn and so on.

The social media can be used creatively for our mission. One can get in touch with the youth, help them in their problems and offer advice. Over all media can get a great change. lets use it for the better.

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Love of God

Love of God

Even before you were born I knew you. I’ve carved you on the palm of my hand. Even the mother who has kept you in her womb for 9 months may forget you; but will never forget you. I will not leave you orphaned for you are my own. See how loving and compassionate is our loving god. Even if you were to commit suicide, do you think He’ll leave you? He will try His best to put some block in you way to prevent you from committing suicide. I’m reminded of a film named Encounter. In that film there’s a scene where a girl wants to commit suicide. She takes some pills in her hands and though she wants to kill herself, but just at that time, a friend of hers calls her up and invites her to attend a Christian meeting and she forgets it and goes. There in that meeting these pastor quotes some bible quotations and this was of concern to her. She’s very consoled by the Word of God, that she gives up the idea of suicide and starts a new life. God may even put blocks that you feel are good, because God knows what He wants out of us. He knows our future for what purpose we are here. God says” For I know the plans I have for you, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with a Hope. ( Jer.29:11).
So we can fully trust in God and says ‘You be the driver of my life and take me to places that you want me to go’. These don’t mean that you don’t have freedom; you definitely have your freedom. At times, in you freedom, you may turn away from god and as your life is messed up you blame God. It was because you had taken you’re as life in your hand and was finding your way out.  With this you may say;you have done a grave mistake and you may even say now for this God won’t forgive me, that’s the trick of the devil, before you are about to commit a sin he will say, “ Oh God is so compassionate and He’ll forgive you at this time when you are about to  sin you must think god as a judge but if you sin you must think god is a mountain of mercy. At this time the devil leads you to despair in saying ‘oh how can you hurt your God who was so loving to you and now He won’t forgive you. If you don’t believe god will forgive you, open your bible, it where that God sends rain on both the evil and the righteous. This means Hes equal to all so even if you sin or even of you do good both of them receives graces from God. But due to our sins, Gods grace os blocked. Sin is like a wall e.g. If you hit a ball on the wall it bounces back. In the same way God sends grace and it hits the wall and bounces back. You may be the worst sinner but He still loves you. So it is only when you are free from sin that is by reconciling you get graces from God. So the freedom that is given to us should be used wisely. Humans looks at beauty but god looks at the heart of the person. God acts in His mysterious ways, He can make good out of evil. Even att time you may not understand where your life is heading. That’s the time God says ‘Trust in Me’ it is in every experienve God teaches some thing or the other, the only thing we need to have is a positive approach to it. God has literally pampered us, He has shown His love so much to us that now a small thing like that of breathing we are at time not aware also that we are brething it is God who looks on us blesses us and hence we are alice. We can do nothing without God. God showers His grace freely. So it doesn’t matter to us but if we had to pay for His grace we would have felt the pinch. We are hypnotized by the worldly things andd we crave for it, the more we get the more we want. But we have forgotten what Jesus told us ‘Seek forst the kingdom of God, and all the other things shall be added to us’(Mt.6:33). Many a times in our deepest troubles we ask ‘Where are You Lord?’ I remember a poem namely ‘footprints in the sand’. In this poem, The person goes in a flashback of his life and as days goes by he sees two sets of footprints but when he reaches of the most terrible days of his life he sees only one set of footprints, so he questions God, ‘Where were You when I was sorely distressed?’ And god replied it was that time I was the closest to you as you see only one pair of footprints. They are mine and I was carrying you as My child in My arms. ‘So here in this one can see how loving and compassionate God is. In our time of distress we feel we are lonely, but God is always there by me. But we fail to realize it as we are more focused on our own problems rather than asking God for help. Even in our life we have been like this person. This shows our selfish attitude where we think only of our self. We can never repay God.

And the climax of our faith is that God so loved the world that he gave his only Son to die for our sins. Humanity was so cruel that it killed the Son of God but that was not the end. Jesus too as truly humans and truly divine might have asked His Father ‘Why all this in My life?’ but God has His plan; It is through Jesus’ redeeming act that we were saved and He rose. God still loves us. It is through our suffering that we are close to God as that’s the time we have our only hope and That’s God. But some people refuse to take this love of God and end their life in misery. God doesn’t allow anyone to go to hell. He wants everyone to see and be with Him in His heavenly bliss but it’s our own act which leads us to judgment. We can express God’s love in our surroundings itself. The people around us to give us company, the trees around to give us oxygen, the birds in the air, and all that’s there in nature. How good and loving is it? When one person leaves his bad ways and becomes new there’s great rejoicing there. Imagine what happens in hell then? I think one devil blames the other and there might be fights too. But still after all they come up with their plans to put the person back to his ways. If a person is really changed by the love of God he will be able to resist it and if not he will fall back to his ways. No person can understand you fully even you wont be able but only God can know all this. He knows all you secrets which are deep that you haven’t told anyone. So you cant hide anything from him. God even knows what’s going in my mind right now, he knows even the smallest thing that I do, He knows when I sit and when I stand. Even our parents cant tell us this when we were standing or sitting God so loves us that he knows us truly.